God Heals Girl Born With Bent Feet, Sparking Growth Of Church In Vietnam

Workers construct a church in a remote area in Vietnam.
One miraculous healing has fuelled a Christian revival in Vietnam, a communist-ruled Southeast Asian country.

It started when a Christian missionary, joined by five local pastors, prayed over a two-year-old girl named Mai, who was born with bent feet and could not even stand, much less walk, according to a Christian Aid Mission (CAM) report.

Doctors in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon in south Vietnam, had given up on the baby, saying the abnormality could not be corrected.

But Mai's parents wouldn't take "no" for an answer. They decided to invite the pastors holding a training session in the hospital to see what they could do with their child.

A day after the pastors prayed over Mai, her parents were stunned when they saw their child stand up and walk about one metre before she was brought back to her bed.

Brimming with hope, the parents asked the pastors to pray for their child again.

The result was quick: Mai was able to walk a few more metres.

Her parents asked the pastors to pray once more for her before they return to their home in Dak Lak province.

"Not long after that, Mai was able to stand, walk and run like a normal child," one of the pastors told CAM. "Hallelujah! This is a great miracle, that God healed a girl with a birth defect in her feet."

The story didn't end there. News about Mai's healing spread, helping spark new church growth in Vietnam.

Moreover, Mai's miraculous healing spurred the wife of a local pastor to share the gospel with hospital patients, noting that patients who respond to the gospel are more open to receiving prayer for healing, CAM reported.

In two days, a local ministry worker who visited patients in four cancer treatment hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, "saw 50 people receive Christ," CAM's ministry director revealed.

In a previous report, a paralysed Vietnamese woman was also miraculously healed of her ailment after a group of Christian missionaries prayed over her.

The miracle overwhelmed the Buddhist couple, prompting them to give up Buddha and embrace Christ instead. The husband even became a dedicated preacher who, despite being arrested several times for his preaching, was able to effectively spread God's Word to his countrymen, leading to the establishment of 60 new churches in Vietnam.


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